No, Reiser's hair is real, that is if you're talking about ''Mad About You''. He started losing his hair during that show, as you can see in the final seasons. If you take a look at recent pictures of him, you'll see what it looks like nowadays. Hope I helped you out! -MFG
did Lorne Greene wear a hair piece? yes
doeos ryan chiaverini where a rug?
I think he does during concerts. I know he cut his hair pretty short, yet he has long hair during his concerts.
Tim Allen does wear a Toupee
Charlie Sheen has never publicly admitted to wearing a hair piece. Photos and video (linked below) make it seem that he does. In the March 7, 2011 webisode of Sheen's Korner, there is a clip (at 1:29) where he bends his head down to reveal a bald patch in the back of his head. Some consider it definitive proof that he does wear a hair piece. Refer to the links below to watch the webisode and decide for yourself.
Yes, Tom Sellsck has revealed in interviews that he does wear a toupee or hair piece. He said his hair piece is made from human hair and cost around $7,000.
Yes he does
M be
Yess He Does.
Honey, let me tell you, Ted Bessell did indeed wear a hairpiece. That man's hair was faker than a three-dollar bill. But hey, who am I to judge? If a rug makes you feel fabulous, work it, honey!
If he doesn't , he must never wash his hair.
Yes, he wears hair extensions.
He only wears one for Revolutionary War reinactments.