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yes miley is gonna quit Hannah Montana for good because her dad wants her to focus on her music and earn more money.her dad think a 17 year old girl needs to leave the Hannah wig for reals.she's 17 teen and is too old to kinda be on Hannah Montana that's why she'll be leaving Hannah Montana.and would not be on Disney channel again.all her fans are sad becaue she's leaving Disney channel,and will not be making Hannah episodes anymore.i her fan wants more Hannah Montana ep.,but i can't do anything about that.which is alot sad because when thers nothing to watch Hannah Montana is the only show that keep me from being bored.that's not fair.why can't they do atleast 2 more ep. for.instead of just letting miley quiting it for good?and why can't she continue?i mean being 17 isn't could still be older and do a funny,hilarious,awesome episodes.just because/ she's turnin like a colleger doesn't mean she has tomleave Hannah Montana i mean come on why can't she do her music corear and her movies together?i mean really?she's leaving Hannah and will be miley forever?what if i get bored. Hannah Montana is the only show that's always on when i turn my television on.these are all the questions most of her fans like me would pretty much wan to know. Well that's kind of sad because she's not gonna be on Disney channel.and sorry for writing that long but i just need to say alot of things about those waz just alot i needed to say to calm me down.without no Hannah Montana im gonna have a boring life.well I'll live but will live boringly

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Q: Does Miley Cyrus going quiet Hannah Montana?
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Is akon going out with Hannah Montana?

NOOOO. He is way to old to go out with her. And besides Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus id dating Justin gaston..

How did Miley Cyrus get the Hannah Montana part?

Here is the best answer I got: Miley Cyrus auditioned for the role in the TV show -Hannah Montana - and suprisingly she made it. Originally Miley Stuart was going to be called Zoey but the producers liked Miley's name so much, they changed the script. Look up "Miley Cyrus Auditions for Hannah Montana" and you should get some HQ videos of it. And for some reason everyone in America and beyond fell for her and her southern accent. (By the way, happy Earth Day 2009!)

Is Miley Cyrus not going to be Hannah Montana any more 2010?

Actually Yes She Is... Miley Cyrus Is Making A New Season Of Hannah Montana But... Just Not As You Know It.... Its Called Hannah Montana Forever Jackson Goes Off To College And Miley Her Dad And Lilly Move To Tennessee And The Girls Are Going To College Next Year And Oliver Visits It Looks Really Fun I Cant Wait To Watch It I Know I'll Have Fun And Enjoy Watching Em... It Premiers July 11th I don't know what time it starts though... Just keep an eye out all that day.... lol

Who named Hannah Montana?

It was originaly Zoe Stewart which then changed to Chloe Stewart which eventually ended up as Miley. It was originaly Zoe Stewart which then changed to Chloe Stewart which eventually ended up as Miley.

Who is Miley Cyrus datinf?

Miley Cyrus has publicly dated a few people. They include:Nick JonasLucas TillAdam SevaniThomas SturgesJustin GastonLiam Hemsworth

Related questions

Is Miley Cyrus going to quit Hannah Montana?

Yes, Hannah Montana was canceled, and Miley Cyrus went on to follow a music career.

Who was going to play the role of Hannah Montana before Miley Cyrus?

Selena Gomaz tried out for Hannah Montana before Miley Cyrus did

What was Hannah Montana's name going to be?

Miley Cyrus

Is Miley Cyrus going to quit being Hannah Montana?

Yes, Hannah Montana was canceled, and Miley Cyrus went on to follow a music career.

Who is the person Hannah Montana is going out with?

Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana is going out with Nick Jonas. Her ex is Justin _______.

When are the next auditions for Hannah Montana?

Never, Miley Cyrus quit on doing the Hannah Montana shows because Hannah/miley was getting meaner. But Miley Cyrus is still going to sing the songs.

Has Miley Cyrus resently said she was going to quit Hannah Montana?

Yes, she has Hannah Montana is over. (Kidding) She's not going to give her up, she is part of Miley Cyrus life.

Why are they going to replace Hannah Montana for a new Hannah Montana?

Because miley cyrus wants to retire.

Is Miley Cyrus going to do another season of Hannah Montana?

No, there are only four seasons of Hannah Montana.

Is Hannah Montana going to quit?

yes she is going to be only miley cyrus.

Is Hannah Montana just going to be Miley Cyrus?

no she is not it is just a rumour.

Is Hannah Montana is going to be at the mall?

Miley Cyrus goes to the mall