Yes he does.
Otis Shinoda.
Check; for pictures
hes sooooo cute n hes got his daddys eyes.
The Roots
Michael Kenji Shinoda. There is a thing called Wikipedia
He is straight. He is married to Anna Hillinger and has a son Otis Shinoda.
No... Mike Shinoda is NOT gay he's married... :]
No, there has not been any reports of Mike Shinoda being a Freemason.
Mike Shinoda is 6'.
Mike Shinoda ( shi-no-da)
Mike Shinoda's birth name is Shinoda, Michael Kenji.
Michael Kenji Shinoda is Mike Shinoda's real full name.
Mike Shinoda was born on February 11, 1977.
Mike Shinoda was born on February 11, 1977.
NO!!!! Married to Anna Shinoda.
Otis Shinoda.
Mike Shinoda is a band member of Linkin Park. He works in California.
Yes, Eminem is better than Mike Shinoda.
Mike Shinoda goes by Mikey, Spike Minoda, Shinnizle, Mike the spike, and Shinizzle.