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Q: Does Michael shanks have a brother?
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Related questions

What is Michael Shanks's birthday?

Michael Shanks was born on December 15, 1970.

When was Michael Shanks born?

Michael Shanks was born on December 15, 1970.

When was Michael Shanks - archaeologist - born?

Michael Shanks - archaeologist - was born in 1959.

How old is Michael Shanks?

Canadian actor Michael Shanks is 47 years old (birthdate: December 15, 1970).

How old is shanks?

Canadian actor Michael Shanks is 47 years old (birthdate: December 15, 1970).

How long has Michael Shanks been acting?

Michael Garret Shanks began acting professionally in 1993, at the age of 23. He has starred in many Films over the years but is best known for his television role in Stargate SG-1.

Does Michael shanks have a crush on Amanda tapping?

EVERYONE has a crush on Amanda Tapping. She is just that awesome.

When was My Brother Michael created?

My Brother Michael was created in 1959.

Who was the brother of Michael Jordan?

the brother of Michael Jordan is Michael Jackson

Is Michael Shanks gay?

No, he is married with 3 kids. One from a previous relationship and 2 with his current wife.

Why does Michael Shanks not appear in Stargate SG-1's fourth season episode 'Prodigy'?

Daniel Jackson was explained as being away with SG-11 on another mission. I don't know when the episode was filmed, but it is possible Michael Shanks was working on another project and wasn't available.

How tall was Michael Myers in Halloween 5 the revenge?

He was played by Don Shanks and I think he's 6'0-6'1