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Darkchild ... it's an American hip-hop/pop/dance producer.

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Q: Does Michael Jackson say in the song yourock my world dark child or dark job?
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Did Michael Jackson have any really bad problems?

Yes, In 1993 Michael Jackson canceled the end of his Dangerous World Tour due to having problems with painkiller and antidepressant drugs because of the child molestation accusations. That was the only bad problem Michael Jackson had.

Did Celine Dion appear with Michael Jackson in We are the World Video?

No Celine Dion did not appear with Michael Jackson in the We are the World video.

Is Michael Jackson the biggest star in the world?

Michael Jackson is biggest star in the world. in 1997 he declared as the most famous person in the world.

Who dance better then Michael Jackson?

No one in the world except Michael Jackson is the best in dancing

What is Michael Jackson's world?

His kids

Does Michael Jackson have a daughter name azhia?

No. Michael Jackson's only daughter was 12 year old Paris-Michael Katherine Jackson, born April 3, 1998 in Los Angeles. Her mother was Debbie Rowe, Michael's second wife, who also gave him Prince Michael Joseph Jackson I. A third child, Prince Michael Joseph Jackson II, aka Blanket, followed in 2002. Michael has no other acknowledged children, and, were Michael to know of the existence of another of his children, he would, knowing the type of person he was, have told the world.

Has any singer ever beat Michael Jackson?

No. Michael Jackson is one of the most famous singer in the World. No one has ever beat Michael Jackson before. You VS Michael Jackson, you will never win. No one has ever tied up with Michael Jackson before.

When did Michael Jackson produced the album Heal the world?

The song Heal the world was released in 1992. Heal the world was never the name of an album produced by Michael Jackson, although the song Heal the world is written by Michael Jackson.

Who had the most fans Michael Jackson or prince?

Michael Jackson, he had and still has one of the biggest fan bases in the world.

Who is the most popular between Michael Jackson and lil Wayne?

Michael Jackson, known all over the world.

When did Michael Jackson write We Are the World?


Who is the great Dncer in the World?

Michael Jackson