he doesn't smoke. someone asked him on one of the threads on his website if he smokes and he said no.
he does drink. on his website, he said that his party alter-ego (party marty) is the funniest among the band when drunk
NO. he does not smoke or drink. proof: i read it on his profile. Actually, he does drink. He has like 5 pictures holding a Corona. He doesn't smoke though.
OF COURSE NOT! miley and brani are not those types of girls who go to parties with smokers, drugs or anything and have SWEARED to NEVER EVER smoke, drink, or do drugs. (: hope that answers your question! -Stacey Cyrus. (miley's cousin)
about three packs a day.
No, she has said in an interview that she doesn't drink either.
yes he do drink and smoke
John Smoke Johnson was born in 1792.
John Smoke Johnson died in 1886.
dors meaghan martin smoke
yes ,,,by who ?
girls should not dress slutty. girls should not sell there body's for $. girls should not go out with strange boys. girls should not drink smoke or act foolish just to impress their friends. girls should not disobey their parents to get what they want.
drink it or smoke it just make sure it is fresh
Eric church
Aly and AJ reportedly do not smoke or drink. The girls became famous through Disney Channel. They are currently creating a band named 78violet together.
i m not sure but i drink water after smoke .
She does not smoke but she LIKES to drink HOT TODDY!