Well, according to reports his voice is starting to break at some live performances: PUBERTY!!
Justin Bieber* He did the voice of Adrian Zander James "A.Z." Smithers (AJ in UK Version)
Kaili Bright... You may recognize her from ReQuest Dance Crew on ABDC.
who would not like justin bieber mostly the boys but ther just jelus but enyway if i went to one of his consrs i would be chering the lowdest then eny one in thaer hit me up on facebook my name is hailey schnortz thank justin bieber
Justin"s voice is so high pitched because he is part girl
His voice is amazing
Justin's voice is higher.
It is actually Justin Bieber just in a higher pitched voice.
Justin Bieber is getting teased by his high voice.
mabye latter in the year? alest i hope so. :)
no his voice sound like a girl but Justin bieber is a boy
Nothing bad happened to Justin Bieber's voice! its amazing
he better have not
Justin Bieber has already hit puberty, and his voice has been lowered, but he is still singing, even though his voice is diffrent.
It has become deeper and it is breaking gradually-so yes, it is breaking :) -KreniDivadi It has broken recently apparently so he can't sing anymore according do my friends(Y reli) Cheekylel:) FINALLY!!!! GOOD RIDDANCE JUSTIN BIEBER!!! YOU WILL NOT BE MISSED, NOT BY ME. TEHE. Bon Voyage.
His voice has definitely lowered now