Swedish singer Rolf Larsson, aka Joey Tempest is 53 years old (birthdate: August 19, 1963).
Joey Tempest
yes, its very apparent that he has a very serious drug problem.
Bootleg - Tempest album - was created in 1991.
It is now 2009, nearly 2010, and I don't know about all; but the band Europe is certainly still going, with an album out last autumn, and Joey Tempest is definitely alive and thriving.
Joey Tempest goes by Jocke.
Joey Tempest was born on August 19, 1963.
Swedish singer Rolf Larsson, aka Joey Tempest is 53 years old (birthdate: August 19, 1963).
joey tempest is the lead singer of the swedish rock band EUROPE.
joey tempest is the lead singer of the swedish rock band Europe.
Joey Tempest
Yes - Joey Tempest (born Rolf Magnus Joakim Larsson) is the lead singer. His 50th birthday was on 19th August.
Joey Tempest
Very close to younger years,but some differences.
Joey TV - 2007 Your Love Is My Drug 4-9 was released on: USA: 26 April 2010
a tempest in a teapotUS : a situation in which people are upset or angry about something that is not very importantâ–ª The whole problem/controversy turned out to be a tempest in a teapot. [=(Brit) a storm in a teacup]
Europe was the band. I think it was mid 80's(1986 maybe) when the song came out. Lead singer was Joey Tempest