She became blind when the girls Spencer Hanna Emily Ali Aria set a firework in her face.
in the bahamasGONE CAUSE there not in pretty little liars
Jenna was blind, after the accident
No she isn't, first it is Mona then it is the real Ali. Look up Pretty Little Liars on Wikipedia, it tells you everything!
Tammin Sursok is the actress for Jenna on pretty little liars and is not really blind.
1 Pretty Little Liars2 Flawless3 Perfect4 Unbelievable5 Wicked6 Killer7 Heartless8 Wanted9 Twisted10 Ruthless11 Pretty Little Secrets
No. Jenna Marshall is blind on Pretty Little Liars
a German Shepard
No Ali is not being Jenna in pretty little liars.
The biggest secret they all share is they blinded a girl named Jenna Marshall.
in the bahamasGONE CAUSE there not in pretty little liars
Mona and Jenna teamed up against the liars.
Mona and jenna.
yes she does
The police officer
Jenna is blind.
Jenna really can see.