he won it at the night of champions and lost it at summerslam in a TLC match but 2 weeks before cm punk put a steel chair around Jeff's neck and pushed him in the steel post and the injuires he suffered caused cm ounk to have more of chance to win
In World Championship Wrestling (WCW) the Big Show has had the WCW World Heavyweight Championship belt twice, and the WCW World Tag Team Championship belt three times. In World Wrestling Federation (Entertainment) the Big Show has had the ECW World Heavyweight Championship belt once, he has had the World Tag Team Championship (WWE) belt five times, he has had the WWE Tag Team Championship belt twice, he has had the WWE United States Championship once, he has had the WWF/E Championship belt twice, and he has had the WWF/E Hardcore Championship belt three times. In total he has had a championship belt 19 times.
These is EVERY Belt Lication IN ORDER World 1: Bikini Bottom - Talk To Squidward. (Step in a Purple Square Around Him) World 2: Kelp Forest - Kill ALL of The Living Seaweed. ( The Green Seaweed with eyes That Doesn't Move, and has 5 Health, There Should Be 1 in Every Level.) World 3: Ship Graveyard: - In a level there will be 2 barrels on when you go up some stairs. One of them will vibrate(jiggle,wiggle,shake) When you destroy that barrel, you get a belt. World 4 : Atlantis Park - In a level there will be a pearl in a clam with purple squares around it. Go On One of the Purple Squares Around It and You Will Get a Belt. World 5 : Atlantis Cliffs - There will be a Plain White Pearl in one of the levels with purple squares around it. Go on one of the purple squares. World 6 : Atlantis Suburbs - In one level there will be an Atlantian Lightpost that you can destroy. (It will vibrate) when you destroy it you get a belt. World 7:Atlantis Palace - In a level Gary will be standing there with purple squares near him. Go on one of the purple squares. World 8: The Caves - In one level there will be a MASSIVE load of doodelbobs. Keep on killing them until you get a belt. World 9 : Planktons Den : In the level before the last level, there will be a red robot, when you kill it you will get a belt. The Last Level in Planktons Den is Difficult. I Would Suggest Mermaidman's Belt for that level. That is how I beat it. Try to have at least one health regeneration with you. Good Luck! :D
George Gordon Belt died in 1869.
Yes my flat mate lay dead on the end of a belt for 2 days.
Either meatpaste or smith the dragon beltbuckle and the batskin belt togethere.
Jeff Hardy had the belt a total of 2 times.
Jeff hardy
It will come out but as of the present time no
tou can get them a tna.com
Jeff Hardy defeated Matt Morgan at Final Resolution.
June of 2001, from jerry Lynn, and lost it to xpac
because he was jealous because Jeff had a wwe belt and Matt lost his ecw belt
yes it is a leather belt
YESSSSSSSSSS he does if u don't know that ur dumb.i luv Jeff hardy .i know CM Punk beated Jeff hardy on the bash [SMACKDOWN] 28/8/2009. but don't worry Jeff hardy fans, HE WILL BE BACK.I KNOW U WILL WE LOVE U JEFF Yeah he does. He has the world heavey weight champ belt or at least till Cm punck stole it. Who does not like CM PUNCK. ME me me me me me.
he is going to be in the hall of fame but he will store have the wwe belt
Yes Jeff Hardy has been world heavyweight champion but it was only for about three to five minutes.He won the world heavyweight title at wwe extreme rules paperview 2009.Jeff beat edge to become world heavyweight champion in a ladder match but after the match cm punk cashed in money in the bank and beat Jeff.So Yes Jeff has been world heavyweight championYes Jeff Has Held Theworld heavyweight championship belt twice