No Dylan Sprouse does not smoke plus he is to young to smoke(he is only 15).
Jake Gyllenhaal was born on December 19, 1980
Brother & Sister.
Jake Gyllenhaal is 30 years old.
It would appear that Randy Gyllenhaal, a reporter at WPBF 25, is a cousin of famed actor Jake Gyllenhaal. If the two are related, they certainly do not name-drop each other.
No He Is Not yes he is
Jake Gyllenhaal is a/an Actor,producer
How Tall is Jake Gyllenhaal
Jake Gyllenhaal was born on December 19, 1980.
Jake Gyllenhaal was born on December 19, 1980.
Jake Gyllenhaal was born on December 19, 1980
Jake Gyllenhaal was born on December 19, 1980
october 26: Jake gyllenhaal is CURRENTLY dating Taylor Swift...
Brother & Sister.
Jake Gyllenhaal is 5'10. Gyllenhaal starred in the movies "Bubble Boy," "Brokeback Mountain," "The Good Girl," and "End of Watch."
Jake Gyllenhaal is exactly 6 ft tall but his weight changes as he plays different roles.
Jake Gyllenhaal.