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No. He just more of less backs out of the scene. It is not quite clear why ( Jackie Paper came no more) The Dragon goes into uncontrolled separation angst and as the song has it, sadly slips into his cave. Jackie Paper" absence from the scene is never explained. Separation angst- some exceptions with war-era songs, is not too popular a subject for songs- and certainly not juvenile ones. it does require some figuring out.

Remember the line "painted wings and giant rings make way for other toys"? I think that Jackie Paper simply grew up, and outgrew Puff, the same way a child outgrows a teddy bear.

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Q: Does Jackie paper die in puff the magic dragon?
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Who loved Puff the Magic Dragon?

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What is the name of the boy in Puff the MAgic Dragon?

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Who was the boy that loved Puff the Magic Dragon?

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What is the name of the Puff the Magic Dragon's human friend?

Little Jackie Paper ( not Kaper or Caper) loved that rascal puff.

According to Peter Paul and Mary who loved Puff the magic Dragon?

Little Jackie Paper- it is assumed, and backed up by the lyrics he was a boy

Is there a nursery rhyme about a dragon?

Yes, the nursery rhyme "Puff, the Magic Dragon" tells the story of a friendly dragon named Puff and his adventures with a boy named Jackie Paper. It was written by Peter Yarrow and Leonard Lipton and was made popular by the folk group Peter, Paul and Mary.

What is the meaning behind the lyrics to Puff The Magic Dragon?

The song Puff the Magic Dragon really talks about a Magic Dragon that lives down under inside a cave alongside the ocean. It really isn't about drugs.

What kind of poem is puff the magic dragon?

an ode

Is there a photo of Puff the magic dragon in Vietnam?

There is no evidence or official documentation to suggest that there is a photo of Puff the magic dragon in Vietnam. Puff the magic dragon originated from a song and has been depicted in various forms of artwork, but there are no known photographs of the fictional dragon in Vietnam.

Whats the name of the dragon in the movie puff the magic dragon?

Okay There are rumors that the whole thing is a puff for the life story(horribly distorted-this person is still very much alive) of a popular Lead singer of a female rock group, Jackie Paper is a buzz word for -well he has been recently involved in a murder trial, yOu know) There were implications that The person identified with(Puff) was at least partially an android and while immune from normal aging, had certain (identity crisis) problems. A similar and more plausible Urban legend has it the Chipmunks are a satire on the same group and it works on letters to words: Observe the following.Veronica-Theodore -Estel-Simon- Nedra- Alvin Dave Seville- Phil Spector all are in one-to-one correspondence! a Helluva coincidence, huh. Dey Do Ron Ron!

What actors and actresses appeared in Puff the Magic Dragon in the Land of the Living Lies - 1979?

The cast of Puff the Magic Dragon in the Land of the Living Lies - 1979 includes: Mischa Bond as Sandy Burgess Meredith as Puff Peter Yarrow as Father