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Q: Does Isaac Hayes have a son named Vincent Hayes?
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Which sibling named their child after van Gogh?

Vincent's brother Theo named his son Vincent.

Is Michael Lombardi vince lombardi's son?

No, Lombardi bore one son who was named Vincent Henry.

How many children did president Hayes have?

Hayes had eight children: Webb Hayes (son) Bichard Austin Hayes (son) George Crook Hayes (son) Scott Russell Hayes (son) Rutherford Platt Hayes (son) Joseph Thompson Hayes (son) Manning Force Hayes (son) Fanny Hayes (daughter) Joseph, George, and Manning died as infants.

Why is Israel called Israel and who named it?

Modern-day Israel is named after the ancient kingdom of Israel, which was named after Israel (an alternate name for Jacob son of Isaac son of Abraham).

Isnt Hayes MacArthur the son of actor James MacArthur danno on Hawaii 50 and grandson of Helen Hayes?

Hayes MacArthur is NOT James MacArthur's son. Hayes is named after the actress Helen Hayes (James' mom) but is no relation to the family. James has four kids, and their names are: Charles, Mary, Juliette, and Jamie.

Did Theo van Gogh have children?

Vincent Van Gogh did not marry and did not have any children.

Had a son name Isaac?

Isaac was a biblical figure in the Old Testament and the son of Abraham and Sarah. He is considered one of the patriarchs of the Israelite people and his story is a prominent one in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

Is Steve Hayes the son of Woody Hayes?

Steve Hayes, who was a judge in Franklin County, Ohio, is the son of Woody Hayes.

Who was named after Vincent van gogh?

Vincent was born twice. A year to the day before the famous one, another Vincent van Gogh was born in 1852, stillborn. Also, Vincent's brother named his first and only child Vincent. Vincent was a strong family name, there were also grandparents, and grand uncles named Vincent.

Is reuel from Isaac or ishmael?

Reuel is from Isaac. He was the son of Esau, who was Isaac's son.

How many children does Asimov have?

Asimov has 2 children

What scientist was newton named after?

Rumor has it that Sir Isaac Newton was named after a popular fig treat at the time. This popular fig treat was made up of figs, catnip and medicinal marijuana, which helped the aging scientist and mathematician with his glaucoma.