I was unable to find any concrete information regarding whether Harry Wayne Casey has children, but there is a possibility of a daughter born in March of 1972.
Harry Wayne Casey is well known as KC from the group, KC and the Sunshine Band.
WikiAnswers cannot be sure of the sexual orientation of Harry Wayne Casey at this time. This matter is very personal, therefore is not open to further answers.
Miami Lakes, Miami Fl.
Wayne Casey and Linda Casey
Casey Lynn De Stefano was born in Wayne, in New Jersey, USA.
Harry Wayne Casey was born on January 31, 1951.
Harry Wayne Casey is 60 years old (birthdate: January 31, 1951).
He does not have one
WikiAnswers cannot be sure of the sexual orientation of Harry Wayne Casey at this time. This matter is very personal, therefore is not open to further answers.
Harry Wayne Casey, better know as K.C. With the Sunshine Band
Miami Lakes, Miami Fl.
Wayne Casey and Linda Casey
There is no public information available to confirm Wayne Casey's sexual orientation. It is important to respect an individual's privacy and not make assumptions about their personal life without concrete evidence.
Casey Affleck has 2 children
Kenny Zaraider was a keyboardist and is never mentioned. This white guy really can rock the house down. Peace Out
NO MAN!!!! That was Richard Finch, the retired bass player and co-writer of some of the songs. He left the band long ago. KC and the band had nothing to do with this