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No,he lives strictly in his hometown of Orillia,Canada.

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Q: Does Gordon lightfoot own a home in Tennessee?
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Who is lightfoot in the Swiss family Robinson?

Lightfoot is the family's orangutan in the book "Swiss Family Robinson." He is a loyal and playful companion who helps the family in their adventures on the deserted island. Lightfoot is known for his intelligence and ability to communicate with the family members in his own way.

Where does Gordon lightfoot live?

He lives in the Rosedale area of Toronto, where he has lived for the past 25 years. Hello Susan: CORRECTION to your answer :That is not correct information. Gordon has not lived in Rosedale since 1998. He lived in Rosedale from 1975 to late 1998. He moved in 1999 to The Bridal Path area of Toronto and still lives there on his own.

Can you own a tiger in tennessee?

You cannot own a tiger in Tennessee. You can however, own a primate if you would like. They are still regulated, however.

Is it legal to own lock picks in Tennessee?

In Tennessee you must be a licensed locksmith to own lock picks.

Who was the 17th presdident of Tennessee?

The 17th President of the United States was Andrew Johnson. He was from Tennessee. However, Tennessee does not there own president.

Does kid rock own a home in shelbyville Tennessee?

not any more kyle busch bought that house and it closed on tuesday sept 26th

In Tennessee can you list your home for sale without your wife's consent?

If both spouses own a home, then any real estate agent who is doing his or her job will not list a home without both spouses signing the listing agreement. Likewise, if both spouses own a home, then both spouses must sign a contract to sell the house.

Does Tennessee require to have a license to own a gun?

There is no licencing in Tennessee to own a firearm. You will, however, be required to show some form of ID when you purchase one.

If a credit card company has a judgment on you in Tennessee can they take your home if you own it?

no,,,,,,but they can put a lien on it,,,and when you sell your house,,it has to pay the lien amount,,,before you get any money from the house.

Do you need a beautician license to own a salon in Tennessee?

You don't have to be licensed to own your own salon in Tn.

How do rabbits survive in Tennessee?

They eat their own vomit.

Does Robby Gordon own Speedfactory tv?

YES,...That Simple