No. February 28th comes every year, February 29th comes on leap years. But there is no February 30th.
At the end of 3rd season he celebrated his 30th birthday. His birthday is 23rd February so he was born on 1981
30, he'll be 31 on July 30th. He was born July 30th 1979.
120 days from 2nd March until 30th June.
30th December !!!
june 30TH
There is no such calendar date of 30th of February.
The probability that a date picked at random is February 30th is zero, as there is no February 30th, even in leap years.
February 30th
February 30th
There is no February 30 in any year.
February 30th
February 30th
February 30th
"I was born on (the)...."... (date) ... Nací el 30 de febrero... I was born on February 30th or ... I was born on the 30th of February
February 30th
The 18th of May is 7 weeks after the 30th of March. The 9th of February is 7 weeks before it in a normal year and the 10th of February in a leap year.The 18th of May is 7 weeks after the 30th of March. The 9th of February is 7 weeks before it in a normal year and the 10th of February in a leap year.The 18th of May is 7 weeks after the 30th of March. The 9th of February is 7 weeks before it in a normal year and the 10th of February in a leap year.The 18th of May is 7 weeks after the 30th of March. The 9th of February is 7 weeks before it in a normal year and the 10th of February in a leap year.The 18th of May is 7 weeks after the 30th of March. The 9th of February is 7 weeks before it in a normal year and the 10th of February in a leap year.The 18th of May is 7 weeks after the 30th of March. The 9th of February is 7 weeks before it in a normal year and the 10th of February in a leap year.The 18th of May is 7 weeks after the 30th of March. The 9th of February is 7 weeks before it in a normal year and the 10th of February in a leap year.The 18th of May is 7 weeks after the 30th of March. The 9th of February is 7 weeks before it in a normal year and the 10th of February in a leap year.The 18th of May is 7 weeks after the 30th of March. The 9th of February is 7 weeks before it in a normal year and the 10th of February in a leap year.The 18th of May is 7 weeks after the 30th of March. The 9th of February is 7 weeks before it in a normal year and the 10th of February in a leap year.The 18th of May is 7 weeks after the 30th of March. The 9th of February is 7 weeks before it in a normal year and the 10th of February in a leap year.
30th february