Yes he does! She's in Vegas right now! She's 18 and her name is Jessica.
If you are curious on how people know this stuff here is what you have to do.
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Dylan Efron.
Dylan Alligue is a young french actor,director,author,screeplay writter who reccently is in a relationship with Disney channel star Zendaya coleman. dylan alligue is on facebook.
He has a younger brother named Dylan.
Zac Efron was born in October 18, 1987 , and now he is available
Yes, Dylan Efron is Zac Efron's younger brother.
Dylan Efron.
Dylan Efron's DOB is 14/2/1992.
Dylan Alligue is a young french actor,director,author,screeplay writter who reccently is in a relationship with Disney channel star Zendaya coleman. dylan alligue is on facebook.
Yes, His name is Dylan Efron =)
no he has a brother called Dylan Efron.
Yes, Zac Efron has a younger brother, Dylan Efron.
He has a younger brother named Dylan.
First of all, it's DYLAN Efron.
Yes a brother Dylan Efron