Fantasy - Danny Fernandes song - was created in 2008-11.
Shawn desman has 1 brither aka Danny fernandes He has 2 younger brothers. Jonathan and Daniel (Danny) Fernandes.
Yes, they are brothers. Fernandes is both their last names. Desman is Shawn's stage name. If you look closely, you can tell that Danny and Shawn are brothers cause they look very similar and they also have similar styles. You know in high school how everyone gives you nick names? When Shawn's buddies would see him, they'd say something like; Des, man. Whats up? - this nick name formed into Desman. He didn't legally change his last name, it is still Fernandes. He just has Desman as his career name.
No, Danny has been with his girlfriend for many years and they live together.
Meryl Fernandes's birth name is Meryl Glynis Fernandes.
Danny Fernandes was born on September 16, 1985.
Danny Fernandes was born in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Danny Fernandes was born on September 16, 1985.
Fantasy - Danny Fernandes song - was created in 2008-11.
Danny Fernandes Made about 19 different songs
Danny Fernandes became famous by practicing singing and dancing
Addicted - Danny Fernandes song - was created in 2008.
Danny Fernandes is 25 years old. He was born on September 16, 1985.
Daniel Bosco Fernandes.
Hit Me Up - Danny Fernandes song - was created in 2010.
Danny Fernandes was born in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Private Dancer - Danny Fernandes song - was created in 2008-07.