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No, however in Batman #666, it was a possible future of Damian as Batman but a much darker version with powers of immortality and healing abilities he got when he made a literal deal with the Devil. But in Batman Incorporated #8, Damian was killed by his clone, The Heretic, during a Leviathan invasion of Wayne Tower.

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Yes, at some point, he takes on the Batman-suit and tries to kill people, to get people to hate Batman, but can't.

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Q: Does Damian Wayne from DC Universe become Batman?
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Robin in Son of Batman is Damian Wayne.

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No, but there has been times where he was too weak to be Batman and some other were Batman: Terry McGinnis: Bruce Wayne has become old and gave Terry the Batman-suit. Damian Wayne: Was only Batman in a short amount of time. He tried to kill somebody, so that people hated Batman. Jean-Paul Valley: Was Batman, when Bruce's back was broken by Bane in Knightfall. Dick Grayson (the first Robin): Was Batman, when Jean-Paul Valley could not steer himself anymore. Thomas Wayne: In The Flashpoint Paradox comics, he is Batman (another universe) Tim Drake: Bruce needed a little pause, and Tim was Batman in some issues.

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Dick Grayson, the first Robin, is the new Batman.

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Damian Wayne dies in the comic series "Batman Incorporated" #8, which was released in February 2013. He is killed by a member of the League of Assassins, known as the Heretic, in a storyline written by Grant Morrison.

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There have been five main Robins in DC Comics continuity: Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Stephanie Brown, and Damian Wayne. Each Robin has had their own unique storyline and role within the Batman universe.

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In the old comics it was Helena Kyle, daughter of Catwoman. In the newer comics he has a son named Damian Wayne.

Who is Batman's daughter?

In the old comics it was Helena Kyle, daughter of Catwoman. In the newer comics he has a son named Damian Wayne.

When was Damian Wayne created?

Damian Wayne was created in 2006.

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Damian Wayne's bio.

Who was the second Robin in Batman?

Jason Todd, senere kendt som the Red Hood; enung lømmel som Batman tager til sig som den anden Robin

Is Robin Batmans son?

No, Robin was the crime-fighting partner of Superhero Batman, when the two were not crime-fighting they were known as Bruce Wayne and his ward Dick Grayson, a ward is someone placed under the protection of a legal guardian.

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