Corey Smith performs the rapping in this song. The band that plays the music is called Rehab. The band is a country hip hop band.
"The Fabulous Robinson Sisters"
If it's the movie I'm thinking of they sing Benny and the Jets and it's 27 Dresses with Katherine Heigal and James Marsden :)
He sings 'Suicide is Painless', the theme song from M*A*S*H*.
Back in 2010 he left Modern Day Escape to spend more time with his family and to pursue his clothing line, HyeBye Clothing. Though I'm not too sure if he has joined another band since Return To Coda, but you can find Corey working downtown at a local bar in Texas or on numerous social media sites. See the related links to connect with Corey through Facebook, Twitter or Myspace.
the song is by rehab but im not sure the song title
It's the bar at the bottom of the screen that shows the lyrics to the song u want to sing
Answercall the bar befor you sing and they will let you ======================If it is in 4/4 time, start to the right of one of the vertical lines and sing four beats.
Sing bar bar black sheep through your feet
You have to type the song in the Chat Bar
Yes, although the establishment may have a policy prohibiting minors from sitting at the bar.
He sang at a bar. I think.
One can watch the music video "Sitting at a Bar" online on the various places which offer video streaming. A popular one is YouTube, or an alternate, Vimeo.
Sitting at the bar - Rehab
Happy Birthday
Maverick and Goose sing You've Lost that Loving Feeling - The Righteous Brothers
Isaac /Reggie smith