Colin Murdoch was born on February 6, 1929.
Rupert Murdoch is the devil, and as such can be said to know him very well.
Jessica Murdoch was born on April 27, 1982, in Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada.
Ted Turner is the good guy, Murdoch is the devil.
he was in fact.
Colin Murdoch died in 2008.
Colin Murdoch was born on February 6, 1929.
Colin Murdoch was born on February 6, 1929.
Colin Murdoch - the creator of the disposable syringe, the tranquilliser gun, the childproof bottle cap, and the silent burglar alarm
Timaru New Zealand
Colin Murdoch from New Zealand
Mary Kathleen and Frank William James
William Murdoch is famous for inventing a steam gun and a Lot of other things.
yes, Colin Morgan has a brother called, Neil Morgan.
colin Morgan has a younger brother called Neil.
yeah I believe he has a brother living in Boston
Alexi Murdoch's birth name is Alexi Murdoch.