Yes, he does. Chad asks Sonny out in the first episode of Season 2.
Chad Dylan cooper
Chad Dylan Cooper from "Sonny with a Chance" is 19 years old. He is younger than Sterling Knight.
Chad asks Sonny out in the episode 'Falling for the Falls part one."
Its Chad Dylan Cooper and he is played by Sterling Knight
Sterling Knight plays the part of Chad Dylan Cooper on the Disney series Sonny With a Chance
Chad Dylan Cooper
Chad Dylan cooper
Yes!! In the first episode of Season 2, Chad asks Sonny out, and Sonny says yes. They hide their relationship from their castmates.
Chad Dylan Cooper is Sterling Knight. Sterling Knight plays Chad Dylan cooper who is the star of the hit TV drama Mackenzie Falls.
Chad Dylan Cooper and in that Chad Dylan Cooper plays Mackenzie in Mackenzie Falls.
Sterling Knight plays Chad Dylan Cooper.
Chad Dylan Cooper from "Sonny with a Chance" is 19 years old. He is younger than Sterling Knight.
Chad asks Sonny out in the episode 'Falling for the Falls part one."
Chad Dylan Cooper who plays in sonny with a chance his real name is Sterling Knight Chad_Dylan_Cooper
me myself and time by sonny
Chad Dylan Cooper
Its Chad Dylan Cooper and he is played by Sterling Knight