Emotionally he was very attracted to younger men. Sexually, he was very into gay bashing so at least outwardly, in public, he was a top. He was also a Tory supporter so he liked uniforms a lot. But on the other hand, he hated Europe and particularly the Germans so he probably wasn't into leather. He liked big pipes and was obsessed with the stars, which suggests he hated his body image, and was actually a bit of a masochist.
A Brandy Base is usually associated with cocktails.It is the base from which the cocktail is produced.Many cocktails have the same "added" ingredient's, but only alter by the base.For example: A gin and tonic has a gin base whereas a vodka tonic has a vodka base.A brandy tonic (if it exists) will have a brandy base.
A plunger, a bannana, a cucumber, a bottle of talk, a bottle of vodka and a whole tub of vaseline for a wild night
I believe you're referring to the song "You Push, I'll Go" by Baby Dayliner.
it is called "White Russian" sweet cocktail classically made with vodka, coffee liqueur, and cream served with ice.
All of the James Bond movies have him drinking vodka martinis - stirred, not shaken.
There are literally hundreds of different kinds of martinis. A traditional martini is vodka and a small amount of vermouth, garnished with olives.
its the place where they only serve martinis and vodka laced drinks
AskMen.com, Wikipedia.com, and About.com have some excellent articles about the negative effects of Vodka. The Wikipedia entry is where I would start.
Sweet vermouth (the other kind, dry vermouth, goes into regular gin and vodka martinis).
Yes, when George Burns started drinking, martinis were just made with gin. Vodka became popular in martinis because of product placement in the first few James Bond movies, even though in the original Ian Fleming stories, James Bond Drank Gordon's gin in his martinis
As seen in the novel and film Casino Royale, fictitious spy James Bond prefers his vodka martinis shaken, rather than stirred. Dubbed the Vesper, they consist of three parts Gordon's gin, one part vodka, and half of Kina Lillet (although the latter is no longer produced), and a large thin slice of lemon peel.
Skyy Vodka is a premium vodka known for its many flavored vodkas. These lend themselves to such drinks as martinis, gimlets and all manner of fruit based drinks. A delicious option is the ginger sour, made with Skyy Ginger infused vodka, lemon juice, egg white and maple syrup.
Apple Martinis. 3 parts Vodka 1 part Apple Schnapps 1 part Cointreau Mix in a shaker, pour into a chilled glass, add garnish (apple slice or cherry), and serve.
The James Bond martini, also called the Vesper cocktail (after the character in Casino Royale) is served in a deep champagne goblet (but now usually with a cocktail glass). Traditionally, there is 6 parts Gordon's Gin, 2 parts vodka and 1 part Kina Lillet. It is shaken over ice until well chilled. It is served straight up without ice and garnished with a lemon peel.
An apple martini contains vodka. Apple martinis may also contain: apple juice, lemon juice, apple slice(as a decoration), simple syrup and apple liqueur.
Lemon drop martinis derive from vodka, syrup and lemon juice. There are many cocktail making websites offering the recipe. They also give you the specific measurements of the ingredients.