At the moment it is believed to be Baelyn Neff, according to
There are rumors also going around that he is married, but whether or not it is Baelyn Neff, no one really knows. If so, then edit this answer!
if their hot he would!
It is not known if Murr from Impractical Jokers only dates black girls. He does not give out details to his personal life. He has stated Rosario Dawson is his dream girl.
Yes,he did date black women before
Nope. Adults do not "date" 14 year old girls.
Yes, he likes to date short girls
no they can only date Hungarian girls. Of course they can date black girls, why wouldn't they?
He will date who every who he want.
Yes he like any shade of black girls
Yes he does all his girlfriends to date have been black and his current girlfriend is black latina or black American not sure which one. he loves black girls by the looks of things.
Yes, his baby momma is black!
I don't know but if he did date a black girl that would be awesome
he will date who ever he falls in love with. and yes he does.
Black girls of course he might pick a white girl if they are cute if he likes the black girls.. he said all girls are cute and he likes black girls okay he doesn't like white girls... he isn't razzes or nothing he just don't wanna date a white girl might like them but he likes black people better ( trust me I know)