Benny is played by Atticus Dean Mitchell.
Atticus Dean Mitchell is 17 . He lives on the beaches of Toronto Ontario (CANADA)His Birthday is July 25, 1995 and as of 2011 he is 16 years old.
Atticus Dean Mitchell is married to Luiza Slxtor sp therefore is not dating Vanessa Morgan.
Atticus mitchell is in Disney and teletoons My baby sitters a vampire as "benny wier"
Yes he has an 8 pack
Atticus Dean Mitchell is 5 foot 11 inches.
atticus mitchell was born in 1993.
US actor Atticus Dean Mitchell is 24 years old (birthdate May 16, 1993).
Not sure
No, the actor and musician Atticus Dean Mitchell of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, is not Italian.
Atticus Dean Mitchell
Yes, Atticus Dean Mitchell was in a band called Fishwives before his acting career began.
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