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Q: Do you say people came in droves or groves?
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How do you say groves in German?


Who were the first group of people on the Philippines?

The first group of people in the Philippines were the Negritos. It is not known how they came to the country. Some historians say they came from mainland Asia through landbridges. Some say they came by sea.

What is Atori's last name from Naruto?

no it is not it came from itachi but people say it came from naruto but is really came from itachi. (:

Where do integers come from?

Some people say it came from China.

What did Annette Groves say when she lost for Mayor?

She Said i will now going to run for M.P.P Etobicoke North

There were twenty people apple bobbing when they caught their apples twenty-four heads came out how did this happen?

20 PEOPLE CAME OUT they didnt say anything about animals!

How marijuana came to existence?

lets just say some people are stupid

Do people say that french toast is a piece of meat n it came from the pig's heart?

No, they don't say so. This is nonsense.

Where really did the moari people come from?

they came from the liland of hawaiki thats what poeple say

When do American history and world history intersect?

When the first people came to America, historians say they came from Asia. But it's still unknown.

People of the first nation originally came to Canada from were?

It is not known for cretin, but many scientist believe that when the land was all connected that the First Nations people came over from Asia. Some say they came looking for more land, other say for more food. It all depends on what you want to believe.

Who created the Stonehenges?

No one knows for sure. Rumors say that the Stonehenge was built by people from 2400 b.c. that came from England and France.