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Q: Do wasps like rain
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Do wasps like rain on the nests?


What animals live in the emergent layer of the tropical rain forest?

birds, like toucans and macaws, and insects like wasps and monkeys

Wasps nests killed by heavy rain?

Wasps always build their nests in a protected place sheltered from the weather so it is unlikely that the nest would ever be exposed to rain.

What tree do wasps like?

the trees that wasps like are maple trees and oak trees

Are wasps a mammal or not?

Wasps are not mammals they are insects like bees and flies.

Are wood wasps wasps?

Yes, wood wasps are a type of wasp that are known for burrowing into wood. They are solitary insects and do not form colonies like other social wasps.

Are there different kinds of wasps and if so what do they look like?

there are 53 types of wasps.

Do wasps like the dark?


Why are there yellow wasps flying around your crab apple tree?

Even though wasps don't make honey, they do like any kind of fruit. Wasps like the flavor of crab apple trees.

How do wasps get water?

well, some wasps, get it up the butt, where as others like it in the mouths, it really their choice.

7 Where do caterpillar wasps lay their eggs?

1) Where do caterpillar wasps lay their eggs? 1) Where do caterpillar wasps lay their eggs? Caterpillar wasps lay their eggs on the inside of caterpillars. when a caterpillar takes a bite out of the leaf, the plants lets off a smell or signal to tell any caterpillar wasps nearby that a caterpillar is on them. the wasp then injects its eggs into the caterpillar, the eggs grow and eats the caterpillar, then once the caterpillar is dead, the wasps grow up and fly out to start the process again.

Do bees and wasps like honey?

Yes they do.