No, they didn't, they had a slight romantic relationship but Launch disappeared before anything could happen, Tien was never really interested anyway.
Tien Shinhan is voiced by Chris Cason .
Dinh Tien Hoang nstituted universal military mobilization.
Yes, they did
in the past he dated Cat Tien
The launch code in WarGames is DLG2209TVX.
Tam Doan is married to her husband Dinh Long.
no they did not they have already broke up a long time ago
what happend to launch is said by krillin on the first episode of dragon ball z here is what happend this is real Bulma:why is launch not here. Krillin: oh yeah launch went chasing after tien five years ago. that is what really happend i know because i watched the episodes a lot of times
launch appears in the sayian saga staying with tien and chiaotzu and again seen in this saga in a bar drowining her sorrows after tien gets killed and she is seen in a flash back when goku is agaisnt frieza and finnally last seen in the buu saga when she gives energy to help for goku's spirit bomb im sorry i dont know the exact episode numbers but i hope this helps
Tien died once
I think Tien is stronger compared to Yamcha.
Feng Tien's birth name is Tien Yu-Kun.
James Tien's birth name is James Tien Chun.
Peng Tien's birth name is Tien Chien Chung.
Cat Tien's boyfriend is Duc.
Michael Tien was born in 1950.