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In most cases no. If they did, not much work would get done.

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Q: Do they use real alcohol in the movies?
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It's not real they use mainly Vimto

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No, he does not.

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No. Probably just juice.

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If you are asking about sex in mainstream movies, then no. It's acting and editing. People really do have sex in pornographic movies, but even they use camera and editing tricks. And of course real people have real sex everywhere.

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vampires are not real. They just use that name and make them look dead and Gothic and then use them in movies to make people think they are real.

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No, the mixture used to make "blood" in movies is not real. There is too much biological hazards to use real blood.

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Yes he does. Chuck Norris isn't scared of anyone.

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it doesn't appear the movies don't use real names from the game