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I dont think so

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Q: Do they still make mumies
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Why did people make mumies?

The Egyptians made mummmies to preserve their bodies for the afterlife.

Why did the egyptians make the mumies?

They made it because they belived in afterlife, so they made a way by preserving it so they can have a body in the afterlife.

What is the definition of mumies?

The walking dead of the past pharoph's

What was used to embalm the organs of the mumies?

embalming fluid

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Do Mumies exist?

yes if u go to those museums u see mummies leftovers of them

What is found in a mummies tomb?

valuable items, ancient writings, sarcofagus of kings and things like that has been found in mumies tombs

Can mumies catch diseases?

ok i dont mean to be a smart alec. maybe you meant something else. but as they are mummies. and therefore already dead. you can be safe in assuming that they wont be catching anything

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