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Currently the Japanese company producing Kai's DVD box sets has stated that they will be making up to about 99 episodes, currently Kai episode 85 is just before the start of the cell games arc. This likely means Kai will not include the majin arc bbut nothing is for definite, but if Kai ends at 99 episodes it will finnish with cells defet and not continue onto the buu sga.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

People Say it will end at the cell saga but if you remember goku sacrificed himself and blew up, but cell was still alive so it was still the cell saga, they cant end Dragon Ball Z Kai with goku dead, it would be just wrong to have the main character die and have the show end. So you have nothing to worry about

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βˆ™ 13y ago

future trunks, yes, he is seen in the preview. dragon ball z Kai is a redo of dbz so both present and future trunks will appear.

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βˆ™ 13y ago will have gt in it too! but still the same title

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Q: Do they show majin buu saga in Dragon Ball Z Kai?
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Is there going to be a another dragon-ball show after dragon-ball z Kai?

No. Akira Toryama wrote a a manga (Japanese comic book) called Dragon Ball. Then the book became translated into English. Eventually it became a HUGE series on TV. Dragon Ball- The original series. Has the same beginning as Dragon Ball Z Kai, but after the Cell Saga alot more things happen, for instance villains named Majin Buu and Majin Vegeta and Broly and Babedi etc. around 650 episodes. Dragon Ball Z- a tiny bit shorter version of Dragon Ball, 600 episodes Dragon Ball GT- Dragon Ball everyone as a kid. Dragon Ball Z Kai- VERY short version of Dragon Ball. End at Cell Saga. around 100 episodes. If there were to be another version after Dragon Ball Z Kai, it would either be a shortened version of Dragon Ball Z Kai (kinda stupid), or some weird version of GT.

How many Dragon Ball Z seasons are there?

There are 153 episodes of "Dragon Ball" that ran as 3 seasons in Japan (1986-1989). There are 3 series: Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, and Dragon Ball GT. Dragon Ball Z has 291 episodes that ran in 7 seasons (1989-1996). Dragon Ball GT has 64 episodes that ran as one extended season (Jan. 1986 to Nov. 1987).

What channel is Dragon Ball Z AF on?

I am sorry. The dragon ball AF is only can show in japan. They created is on japan. Dragon Ball z, Gt, Af , hoshi are Japanese Saga. There were never other places because they talk Japaneses language you got to japan and buy dragon ball Af. You can watch Dragon ball Z, Kai, Gt and Z Kai.

Why are the show dragon ball z buu saga til that not show beyond episode?

They will show beyond it next year in the anime movie they make, it's set to release in March 2013 and it's 10 years after the events of the Buu Saga.

What episode does the baby saga starts on dragon ball gt?

they donot have and episode but they did show goten whiles he was a babe on the endin of dragon ball z bio broly the should scens of him with young teen gohan

What is the name of the show with goku after Dragon Ball Z?

the show is called dragon ball gt

Is Dragon Ball Z Kai a good show?

it matters if you like dragon ball

What are characters in Dragon Ball Z?

Characters in Dragon ball Z are the people who are in the show

Why has nick toons stop showing any new dragon ball z Kai?

they have it is been over for a while but they are planning majin buu saga to being released only over here according to what i have seen on wikipedia if you like dbz i recommend watching Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood if you have not already

When is Dragon Ball Z Kai on nickelodeon 2012?

I don't think so... A lot of parents said that Dragon Ball Series (All of them) were too violent for Cartoon Network and that little kids shouldn't watch them.I think they should if they put it back on and just take the curse words out

Why don't they show Dragon Ball Z again?

They do still show it. It was remade and called Dragon Ball Z Kai. They play it on Nicktoons.

What show is Trunks from?

Dragon ball Z