well, in the story they dont say " i love you" but in the 7 book there is a part at the end called "19 yrs later" where they are married and hav kidz and they r dropping the kidz to the howarts express.
Ron Told Hermione that she was "Fraternizing with the enemy".
Ron gets really upset when Hermione starts getting closer to Victor. Hermione gets upset when Ron dates Lavender Brown. Then, in the 7th book, Ron and Hermione fall in love. They spend more and more time together. In the 7th book they have a fight, but later, they make up. Towards the end of The Deathly Hallows, Ron and Hermione run into each other and share a huge kiss (right in the mouth). "Do you have to do it right now"? Harry moans. (They are in a huge problem...Voldermort has returned and is trying to invade Hogwarts). Ron and Hermione fall deeply in love....REALLY, REALLY, deep love. So, that is why. Hope this answered your question. In the third film, Hermione cries when Buckbeak is supposedly executed and cuddles Ron. She also spends time with Ron in Hogsmeade at the Shrieking Shack before Harry appears and it seems as if they are acting like a new couple that are awkwardly testing their relationship as an item. However, this is more obvious when Ron and Hermione have the argument at the bottom of the stairs in the fourth book and film. If you really look at the books and get to understand Hermione, then I guess you could say that she started to admire Ron in the first book for his courage in difficult situations although his panicking with the Devil's Snare. It also becomes apparent when Ron defends Hermione's blood status in the second book when Draco Malfoy calls her a Mud-Blood.
26 ?It does not specifically say in the book, only that by 2017 Hermione and Ron were married with two children: Rose and Hugo Weasley.We can calculate that Hermione was 27 years old when she had her first child (see Related Question below).Based on that, I will estimate that she was 26 when she got married.
When they say they have a stitch in their sides it is a figure of speech. It just means that either they are like really angry or nervous or like when you run did your side ever like cramp up and hurt bad that's what it means!
"You foul loathsome evil little cockroach!" -Hermione Granger
Ron Told Hermione that she was "Fraternizing with the enemy".
No, Ron did not break up with his girlfriend for Hermione. Ron and Hermione had a romantic relationship that developed throughout the Harry Potter series, but Ron did not break up with his girlfriend specifically for Hermione. Their relationship began after Ron and his girlfriend had already broken up.
Ron gets really upset when Hermione starts getting closer to Victor. Hermione gets upset when Ron dates Lavender Brown. Then, in the 7th book, Ron and Hermione fall in love. They spend more and more time together. In the 7th book they have a fight, but later, they make up. Towards the end of The Deathly Hallows, Ron and Hermione run into each other and share a huge kiss (right in the mouth). "Do you have to do it right now"? Harry moans. (They are in a huge problem...Voldermort has returned and is trying to invade Hogwarts). Ron and Hermione fall deeply in love....REALLY, REALLY, deep love. So, that is why. Hope this answered your question. In the third film, Hermione cries when Buckbeak is supposedly executed and cuddles Ron. She also spends time with Ron in Hogsmeade at the Shrieking Shack before Harry appears and it seems as if they are acting like a new couple that are awkwardly testing their relationship as an item. However, this is more obvious when Ron and Hermione have the argument at the bottom of the stairs in the fourth book and film. If you really look at the books and get to understand Hermione, then I guess you could say that she started to admire Ron in the first book for his courage in difficult situations although his panicking with the Devil's Snare. It also becomes apparent when Ron defends Hermione's blood status in the second book when Draco Malfoy calls her a Mud-Blood.
When Ron wore the locket he was tortured into believing Harry and Hermione loved each other. Harry told Ron that he had to be the one to destory it and when they opened it a Riddle-Harry & Riddle-Hermione emerged and showed Harry how Ron really felt. The Riddle-Harry & Riddle-Hermione told Ron that he was unimportant and kissed which gave Ron the power to stab it. Harry then tells Ron that Hermione is like his sister.
No it said that Ron stroked Hermione's hair whilst she cried into his shoulder
If Hermione were to tell Ron that he wasn't good at Quidditch, it would hurt their relationship quite a bit. Ron was always sensitive about his Quidditch abilities and given his insecurity about Harry and Hermione, such a thing would not help given Harry's talent as a Seeker. Although, Hermione is not the type of person to say such a thing. As for his thoughts, well Ron spent most of the sixth book believing that nobody thought he could play Quidditch. He was also convinced that Hermione liked Harry better which halted their relationship to begin with.
Answer: Just so it should be a awkward moment...He loved her and He had a dream about her.
I would have to say 'Hurry Up and Save Me' by Tiffany Giardina and 'Dance in the Dark' by lady Gaga. Believe me think about Ron and Hermione in LOVE and then Harry on the side watching them hold hands and then Hermione can't choose between Harry and Ron. PS. Both songs ROCK!
I wouldn't say that they both started liking each other at the same time 'cause that kind of impossible so i think Ron started liking Hermione first 'cause in the 1-3 book Ron irritated Hermione a lot and was jealous about Hermione crush on Lockhart.But in the Yule dance in the 4th book when Ron got really really jealous of Krum then after that all the jealously started happening between them.I don't remember much from the 5th book but in the 6th with Lavender and Ron together , Hermione was very jealous and then in he 7th you could tell they both really started falling for each other.
He said they couldn't let the house elf's die for them.
He says her name several times. (For example, when he talks to her, or talks about her.)
26 ?It does not specifically say in the book, only that by 2017 Hermione and Ron were married with two children: Rose and Hugo Weasley.We can calculate that Hermione was 27 years old when she had her first child (see Related Question below).Based on that, I will estimate that she was 26 when she got married.