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Well, honey, in Horror movies, people may not actually die in real life, but they sure meet some gruesome ends on screen. It's all smoke and mirrors, darling. So, grab your popcorn and enjoy the show without worrying about any real casualties.

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4w ago
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11y ago

No they do not unless they are filming and the actress had a heart attack.

Accidents do happen. Vic Morrow and two child actors died when a helicopter crashed on top of them during filming of "Twilight Zone: The Movie" (1983).

Brandon Lee died during the filming of "The Crow" (1994).

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15y ago

Because they're "killed" with props. If shot, the bullets are fake. If stabbed, the knife has a spring so it retracts into the handle, etc. An actor pretends to have cancer, he doesn't really have it.

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14y ago

yes. it would really suck to have to actually die to be in some of the movies people see these days. the producers would also only get one shot at each scene, and run out of actors really fast.

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13y ago

No of course films are just fake!!!

Actors and actresses ACT; they portray a fictional or non-fictional character. They do this as their career, therefore they don't actually die during the filming of the movie. Throughout the history of the film industry there have been ACCIDENTAL deaths while performing. (Branden Lee accidentally received a fatal wound during the filming of The Crow.

People also put drink all over their body and pretend that they are dead.

ANSWER BY Taiwo Adebayo

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16y ago

no,but there stunt people may get hurt sometimes

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Q: Do people really die in horror movies?
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== ==

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Its about a serial killer who calls victims when they are alone and asks them questions about scary movies. If they answer incorrectly they die, if they answer correctly they still die. The killer kills by the rules of a horror movie, thus creating a real life horror movie. The main character, Sidney's, mother was brutally murdered a year earlier and it seems to be related to these new murders. Even though the story disguises itself in the false idea that horror movies cause violence crimes, in the end it literally reveals the truth that movies don't create psychos, movies make psychos more creative - and the possible causes of violence crimes are entirely somewhere else.

Horror Movies with Good ending as in the hero lives?

The original "Friday the 13th"... Alice lives (even if she is the first to die in the sequel) Improvisation: That probably wasn't what you were looking for... The "die-in-the-sequel" kind of movie.... So, I would personally recommend Daybreakers. A lot of people have already seen this one, but maybe you haven't so... Yeah. It could have had a better ending, it kind of left you hanging slightly on the fate of the entire humankind, but the hero(es) does live. :) It's bloody, suspenseful, scary at many points, and you wonder if it really WILL have a good ending. But, alas, it does. :) One of my favorite horror/suspense movies. I pretty much only like movies with ending where the hero lives, otherwise I say they're pointless. :) -HorsesRockLol

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Right to Die - Masters of Horror - was created on 2007-01-05.

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Some horror movies featuring barefoot girls include "The Ring," "The Grudge," and "The Woman in Black." In these films, the barefoot girls typically face terrifying supernatural entities and are often in danger throughout the movie. Whether they live or die depends on the specific plot of each film, as well as the choices made by the characters and the outcome intended by the filmmakers.

What are the Scream movies about?

it's basically about a woman named sydney who always gets attacked by some person in a costume who has watched too many horror movies, all sydney's friends die in every one except from her, gale weathers and dewey.

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The Alpha Incident

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black person always die, white girl always fall or trip over nothing & end shocking or boring 😡😒