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Well it depends on the girl.... but i do believe most like shaved

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13y ago

Well, from what I've read, they like it best shaved, but they won't hold it against you if it's trimmed.

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Q: Do girls prefer the hairy cock or shaved cock?
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by sucking a big hairy cock hahahhahahahhhaha

What is the lifespan of a cock?

With proper care they live just as long as other chickens, averaging about 5 years.

Why do women prefer thick cock?

Who wrote this question? Evidently, a moron who cannot spel. . . spell.

How many girls has suck an cock?

it depends if they have aids or if they are very horny and they want richturds like you

What does me gusta el pene peludo mean in English?

It means "You love the cock", which can refer to male chickens or the penis.

What do girls think is the best part of the male body?

The cock. I love a boy's penis (lol) and his hands.

Do girls like seeing cock on webcam?

not atall. and boys should have some self respect and keep it zipped

Are hens boys or girls?

Hens are female (girls) and roosters are male (boys).

How big should cock be?

5 inches is normal size but the most girls like it 7-8-9 inches

Why did you kick the question when the cock crowed?

Cock is often used as a vulgar term for penis and we prefer not to have such language on this site. We are working on preventing the proper use of the word, such as when referring to a rooster, from being deleted but haven't gotten the kinks out of the system on that subject quite yet, as of December 2007.

In what layer do Cock-of-the-rock birds live in the rainforest?

Cock-of-the-rock birds typically live in the understory layer of the rainforest, which is the layer below the canopy where there is less sunlight and vegetation is more dense. They prefer this region for nesting and foraging for food.

Can a 13 years old girl by a big cock?

13-year-old girls shouldn't be anywhere near a penis - That would be illegal !