780.2 is the ICD9 code for syncope. Syncope is the medical term for what is commonly called "fainting" or "passing out."
micturition syncope
Syncope - album - was created on 2006-04-28.
No. If they were secret or unknown, they wouldn't be celebrities.
I think that exertional syncope is a kind of cardiac syncope. During exertion the patient with heart disease would be unable to supply enough oxygen to the brain, causing dizziness.
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Syncope is a brief loss of consciousness usually from a reduced blood flow to the brain.
Syncope means loss of consciousness. An example of a sentence using it: The elderly lady with low blood pressure stood up too quickly and experienced an episode of syncope.
Yes. If a patient with syncope is mid-incident and is prevented from achieving a fully supine position, global cerebral hypoperfusion is extended, leading to an anoxic convulsion.