No, not in twilight. But they do in breaking dawn (the last book). They name her Rennesme, Jacob imprints her, and the volturri thinks she's an immortal child, which causd them a lot of trouble in earlier years, and they are bound to kill her and all that come in between that task.
Jasper and Alice Cullen are completely incapable of ever having a baby or have already had a baby in the first place. Alice met Jasper when they were both vampires. Vampires are frozen and whatever stage they were turned into a vampire so it would be impossible for Alice to become pregnant in the first place.
Main answer : No but she wants 4 !
The last answer was wrong. This is the correct answer. Jasper found Alice waiting for him at a diner in Philadelphia because she had seen him in a vision of the future. (Eclipse, pg 301)(Above). And Alice said it's about time you showed up. you kept me waiting. Jasper replied I'm sorry, ma'am. no matter how creepy she was he could not be rude to a lady. Alice told Jasper about the Cullens and their diet. Jasper came with her and they fell in love.
it is gray........on Alice it is gray........on Alice it is gray........on Alice
No, he is married to Alice Cullen.
Yes edward ,alice, emmett,jasper,roslie are all adopted
She is his niece, and Alice loves her, so he does too.
I can see why you said that. Jasper is older than Alice, but Alice became a "vegetarian" before Jasper!
Alice saw jasper in a vision and that's how they met then Alice and jasper found the cullens using Alice's visions
Alice and Jasper are already married.
Jasper Hale and Alice Cullen.
Alice is married to Jasper but Jasper Hale is not yet married to Alice Cullen. what u've lost me!
No, Alice and Jasper do not have any children in Twilight.
Alice and Jasper met in 1948 in Philadephia.
Yes she did, Alice saw Jasper in her future. how did she know who it was?
Alice was the one who found Jasper. The end.
No Jasper is a year ahead of Alice.
ailce can't have babys so no Alice and jasper don't have children!