Janet Alfano's birth name is Jeannette Rosenberg.
Don't know
It was My Baby Got Back 4 movie that Janet Jacme was in a scene with her wedding dress.
Janet Alvarez Gonzalez is 5' 6".
janet moyles was some one who had a theory about how it play and treat kids according to their different needs.
Janet Alfano's birth name is Jeannette Rosenberg.
Don't know
It was My Baby Got Back 4 movie that Janet Jacme was in a scene with her wedding dress.
She recently arrived in LA to be with her familiy after Michael's death.
Janet Ellis was born on September 16, 1955.
Janet Alvarez Gonzalez is 5' 6".
No, Janet doesn't have any children.
she has no kids
No, Janet Devlin currently has no children.
Janet Jackson has 1 child