Although, it is assumed Tai Lung exploded from the wave of energy the wushi finger hold created, it is not likely. Tai lung most likely didn't die because the power rays weren't strong enough to kill a full grown snow leopard, and the director refuses to say whether he is dead or alive. he always says " i don't know" because they are not sure. one villian we know is dead is Shen because a thick wood boat pole falls on him and kills him. probaly smashes him.But it is believed the director is keeping it a secreat. because it never says tai lung is dead or it doesn't show any proof. the wind could have just blown him to Japan :) so, i say we'll just have to see. thanx, Silver123
He flexes his pinkies and lets out a golden shockwave that radiates over the entire village and destroys Tia Lung Po probably sent Tai Lung to the spirit realm, he tried to use wuxshi finger hold against Kai also, to send him back to the spirit realm.
No one knows, I don't think The Finger hold could kill him, No one says he's dead, we'll just have to find outThe commentary said that it was never definite what the wuxi finger did, so nobody knows if he is or not.The Five and everyone else assume he's dead, but but they don't actually know, so that's an open thought really.
lung failure
Po the panda viper the viper snake tigress the tiger monkey the ........ monkey crane the crane bird mantis the praying mantis shifu the red panda oogway the tortoise and Tia lung the snow leopard
Kin Lung Cheung is 5' 7".
panda grabs his finger and uses a technique which you flip your pinky up so he dies
He flexes his pinkies and lets out a golden shockwave that radiates over the entire village and destroys Tia Lung Po probably sent Tai Lung to the spirit realm, he tried to use wuxshi finger hold against Kai also, to send him back to the spirit realm.
Yes it can
the affects of a cigerette can be things such as ; * lung cancer * lung diesease * yellow teeth * yellow finger nails * shortage of life * addiction
Smoking can kill off your brain cells, give you lung cancer, darken your teeth, make your finger nails yellow, give you horrible breath and limit your life span the more you smoke.
Over time it can form lung cancer and lung cancer is extremely deadly and painful.
underwater your lung become a balloon and as much air it hold as much positive buoyancy effect it makes. We are using our lung underwater to maintain our buoyancy. That is why you should follow the rule of "Never Hold a breath" as if you did and assented fast your can damage your lung
Higher. This means your lungs can hold more air.
yes from lung cancer
A natural human pair of lungs have the small right lung and the larger left lung to allow room for the heart. So to answer your question your left lung will hold more.
Lung capacity or lung volume is the amount of air a person's lungs can hold. The average human's lungs hold 6 liters of air. Lung volume can change depending on one's altitude, age, gender, height, and activities (including sports, singing, playing woodwind instruments, etc.) among others.
It can cause asthma and could kill you with lung cancer!