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Q: Did the song Fur Elise play in the godfather?
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How do you play Beethoven in piano?

What Beethoven Song? Personally Fur Elise is the easiest

What is that song called or how do you play it that everybody knows on piano but its not chopsticks?

Fur Elise?

What song does Chloe play in Beverly Hills chihuahua 3?

She plays "Fur Elise" by Beethoven.

What is a comen song that is played on piano?

Two songs that I hear people play a lot are For Elise and Claire de Lune It is actually Fur Elise.

What is the whole song to fur elise?

Music for it can be found at

How can I play the song "Fur Elise" on the piano using the d/f chord?

To play "Fur Elise" on the piano using the D/F chord, you can start by placing your left hand on the D/F chord (D major chord with F as the bass note) and your right hand on the melody. Practice transitioning smoothly between the chord and the melody to play the song.

In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows do Ron and Hermione have a piano scene?

In the movie, they do. Hermione is trying to teach Ron how to play. This doesn't happen in the book, but it's definitley in the movie.

Are there words to fur Elise?

No. Fur Elise was composed as a Bagatelle, not a song. A Bagatelle was a short piece of music usually composed for the piano, and it did not include a vocal part.

Which Indian ad has fur elise as a title song?

Air India

What are some good songs to play on keyboard?

unfaithful by rihanna is a good song Bella's lullaby sounds good a classic one is Fur elise

Was Fur elise a theme song for a scary movie?

Not really a theme song, but it was featured in Stephen King's "It"

Who performed fur elise?

Just about everyone who knows how to play piano.