T.I. doesn't have any brothers he only has sisters. If you're referring to T.I.P (appeared in Big Things Poppin video) then that is not his twin brother. It's his alter personality and he had a look alike play his alter personality.
Joseph Adenuga Jr
If you mean what country is Eminem from, he is from The Unites States, and he grew up in Detroit, Michigan.
yes HBK a rapper
On October 31, 2007, she was involved in the altercation that ended in assault at a Halloween party at Studio 72 nightclub in Atlanta, Georgia. Harris and a hostess exchanged verbal spars, and later, when the hostess proceeded to talk to Harris' manager, Harris attacked the hostess from behind, striking her in the face with a rum bottle. Harris entered a guilty plea to aggravated assault charges. She was sentenced to three years in prison, seven years of probation, and 200 hours of community service
Clifford Joseph Harris, Jr.
Clifford Joseph Harris, Jr.
Clifford Joseph Harris, Jr
Clifford Joseph Harris Jr.
how did my baby clifford Joseph (tip) harris jr. meet tiny?
Clifford Joseph Harris, Jr. is an American rapper, actor, record producer and entrepreneur. As of August 19, 2014, Clifford is not in jail although he has previously been in jail twice.
If in Clifford Harris you're reffering to the rapper T.I then YES he is.
Yes what do you think his real name is Clifford Joseph Harris jr Joseph is french and most haitians have french last names.
Clifford Joseph Harris Jr. is a popular american rapper, originally born in Atlanta, Georgia. He is most known for his famous singles: "Bring Em Out", "What You Know", and "Swagga Like Us".
The main stage name of the rapper with the birth name of Clifford Harris is "T.I". In earlier life he also had the nicknames "Rubberman" and "T.I.P" from which his stage name is abbreviated.
Clifford Joseph Harris Jr. (born on September 25, 1980 in Atlanta, Georgia) is an American rapper, actor, and philanthropist. He is best known by his stage name T.I., and also goes by The King of the South, T.I.P., and Rubber Band Man due to his former association as a dope-boy, and T.I.P., his alter ego.
Domani Harris, son of rapper/actor T.I. (Clifford Harris Jr.) was born March 17, 2001.