his is currently written a book on his latest album the last chair violinist and he will be releasing 2 more albums later on which will also have books so whoever thinks they watched the interview better watch it again because he says very clearly wat he is gonna do
SPM AKA. Carlos Coy Has 334 tracks and 11 albums.!
Falfurrias, TEXAS.
South Park Mexicans (SPM) (Cheech and Chong) - "Mexican Thong Song"
november 5,71
i dont know who spms daughter is Spm's Daughter is named Carly Coy....He says it in his album ''When Devils Strike'' His dauhters name is carley yea i go to school with her...
Bigwolf times
He wrote me back!
yes he does he wrote The Last Chair Violinist
yes but u need his adress
youtube.com has some SPM videos
Spm wife is Helena her parents lives in front of my parents. Spm always went there to see his kids when they would be over there.
SPM's genre is rap. SPM stands for South Park Mexican. Born Carlos Coy in 1970. He is from Houston, Texas.
spm lives in Houston Texas where my baby mamma lives.
SPM AKA. Carlos Coy Has 334 tracks and 11 albums.!
Yes he is still in the process of writing his book
rollin, hollywood hustla, spm diary. if there’s any spanish in there it’s like half a verse lol