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If he got fired or walked away, including Brandy Greene, is what side you believe. But with the competition, and growing popularity, between reality based paranormal shows SyFy was and is losing ground to being the top show. GHI, this season was supposed to add more intensity and evidence then before. This is were the drama begins. If you are a fan like many, GH and GHI have established themselves as a legit group. But supposedly SyFy wanted to experiment on adding to GHI. Either by ad-living, implementing more evidence, and acting. The two named above became displeased and felt that GHI was stepping away from what they established.Keep in mind GH is NOT in control of GHI on how the show is run, SyFy is. And like any other TV show ratings bring in money. So you can read between the lines of why they left or got fired.

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