Yes, he had 8, there names where Peter, Lydia, Polly, Lansford, Laura, Hiram, George and Ruby.
Albert Graham Ingalls was born on 1888-01-16.
Charles Ingalls was born on January 10, 1836 and died on June 8, 1902. This would have been 66 years old at the time of death or 174 years old today.
The ting goes SKRAAAA pa pa pa pa pa, skadidim pa pa, and a kkrr kruuu bum! SKYIA!
roger rabbit
He had NO siblings.
Charles Ingalls (Pa) and Caroline Ingalls (Ma) were married on February 1, 1860.
Laura Ingalls Wilder had four siblings: Mary Amelia Ingalls, Caroline Celestia Ingalls ("Carrie"), Charles Frederick Ingalls ("Charlie"), and Grace Pearl Ingalls.
Caroline Ingalls, the mother in the Little House on the Prairie series, had several siblings. Her siblings were Peter Quiner, Martha Morse, Eliza Jane Quiner, and Thomas Quiner.
Pa's Fiddle is on display at the Laura Ingalls Wilder-Rose Wilder Lane Museum in Mansfield, MO.
two sisters
Laura Ingalls Wilder was the second of five children. Her siblings were Mary, Caroline, Charles, and Grace.
Laura's father was named Charles Phillip Ingalls. Laura called him Pa.
Charles Ingalls, her father, lived from 1836-1902. Caroline (Quiner) Ingalls, her mother, lived from 1839-1924. Both of these are from the family tree at the beginning of some editions of her books.
Pa died on June 8th, 1902.
Well Grace Ingalls Dow Married, but didn't have children. She stayed with pa and ma Ingalls around the time Charles died then she got married or something.
It was a limited edition in the early 1980's. There are 8 porcelain dolls in total. Pa Ingalls, Ma Ingalls, Mary Ingalls, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Carrie Ingalls, Baby Grace Ingalls, Almanzo Wilder and Mary Olson. They can be found for sale on the internet, or ebay, individually, or as a set.
Laura Ingalls Wilder had four siblings: Mary, Caroline (usually called Carrie), Charles (commonly known as Freddie), and Grace.