yes he did. If you're talking about a African American Inventor, then he's your man!
Lana Rodes was born in 1986, in Manuel Ribas, Paran, Brazil.
jb's mom's name is PATTIE
JB Warren's birth name is Jon Bliss Warren.
JB Hunt and Gordon Trucking did not merge in recent years. JB Hunt and Gordon Trucking are both individual companies. JB Hunt is a much larger company than Gordon Trucking.
JB is from Einstein's time. He is adopted also and he is TeTe still don't get it go and read caught
JB Rhodes invented the "water closet" or the modern day toilet.
Galileo did invent a toilet but most people think that he didn't.
Thomas Elkins did not invent the toilet. He did patent a complex device that included a toilet, among many other functions.
the toilet
the toilet
Contrary to popular belief Crapper did not invent the the flushing toilet. He did, however, do much to increase the popularity of the toilet, and developed some important related inventions, such as the the ballcock.
He didn't it was Thomas Crapper who invented the toilet
Thomas Elkins did not invent the toilet. His did patent an improvement to the toilet. His improved toiletwas a combination bureau, mirror, book-rack, washstand, table, easy chair, and chamber stool.