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So far as I know, that information has never been provided. However when you consider the information we do have, it becomes pretty clear that he certainly could have if he wanted to.

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Q: Did jabba ever see leia naked?
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Did jabba lick leia?

Although Jabba did in fact extend his tongue at Leia when she was first captured and pressed up against his bulky body, and Leia turned her head and groaned in disgust, we do not actually SEE him lick her - he licks his own lips. Subsequently, during the many times he pulls her chain and forces her then half-naked body up against his own, he again is not actually SEEN licking her. That does not mean it didn't happen, however; for after all, after her capture and his licking his own lips, the camera cuts to Threepio, turning away in disgust, and then to Salacious Crumb laughing. In both of these shots, Jabba can vaguely be heard making unintelligible grunting and/or moaning sounds in the background, suggesting perhaps he is licking her, after all. Furthermore, the official movie novelizations and canon novels explicitly state that Jabba "kissed her squarely upon the lips." Conclusion: yes, he DID lick her, but we just never see it in the film.

Did Slave Leia view Jabba as her master?

Probably not. She probably viewed him as someone who was keeping her just for entertainment and she was mostly concerned on how to get out of his grasp. However, consider this. On the Sail Barge, en route to the would-be execution of her friends, Leia was standing some 6+ feet away from Jabba's throne, when he yanked her chain. At first she gave him a defiant glare (further confirming the above theory), but when Jabba tugged again, Leia was pulled back from the window. What we see in the film appears to be her "being pulled close" to him; however, slowing it down to frame-by-frame glances, we can see that Leia had to turn around, run to the throne, jump up onto it, straighten up before Jabba, and subsequently press her lower body up against his belly before leaning in...and only then does she turn her head away. This suggests that she knew how to respond to Jabba's chain-yanking, making an automatic reaction of coming to him and pressing up close; she was too far away to be simply "pulled to" him. This active response would indicate that she had become accustomed to Jabba's advances, furthering the possibility that perhaps, yes, she DID view him as her superior...or, as the question phrased it, her "Master."

Did rota the hutt be successful then jabba?

When the pilot film for The Clone Wars was released, it was the first time we ever get to see Rotta. Since Rotta has never been heard of (or even thought of until then) and Jabba has been pretty much the only one we all knew, we don't know what happens to Rotta as of yet.

Has Constance Marie ever been photographed naked?

not that i know of. i think cause its a show on nick that they wont have it but ill see

Does sai want to see sakura naked?

no sakura wants to see sai naked

Related questions

Did Jabba let slave Leia sleep?

The pillows and cushions located on Jabba's throne were used by Leia during her enslavement. Watch the scene right before Luke arrives at the palace and you even see her resting against them as she lays by Jabba's side.

Did jabba ever make leia dance?

There was one scene in the radio drama of Return of the Jedi that will answer the question: in a scene from the radio drama, Lando was disguised as a guard and he was silently talking to Leia. And Leia even said that her dancing wasn't so good and that she might end up in the rancor's stomach if she continues to do badly. So yes, Jabba did make Leia dance. But it is not shown in the film

Did jabba lick leia?

Although Jabba did in fact extend his tongue at Leia when she was first captured and pressed up against his bulky body, and Leia turned her head and groaned in disgust, we do not actually SEE him lick her - he licks his own lips. Subsequently, during the many times he pulls her chain and forces her then half-naked body up against his own, he again is not actually SEEN licking her. That does not mean it didn't happen, however; for after all, after her capture and his licking his own lips, the camera cuts to Threepio, turning away in disgust, and then to Salacious Crumb laughing. In both of these shots, Jabba can vaguely be heard making unintelligible grunting and/or moaning sounds in the background, suggesting perhaps he is licking her, after all. Furthermore, the official movie novelizations and canon novels explicitly state that Jabba "kissed her squarely upon the lips." Conclusion: yes, he DID lick her, but we just never see it in the film.

Did Slave Leia view Jabba as her master?

Probably not. She probably viewed him as someone who was keeping her just for entertainment and she was mostly concerned on how to get out of his grasp. However, consider this. On the Sail Barge, en route to the would-be execution of her friends, Leia was standing some 6+ feet away from Jabba's throne, when he yanked her chain. At first she gave him a defiant glare (further confirming the above theory), but when Jabba tugged again, Leia was pulled back from the window. What we see in the film appears to be her "being pulled close" to him; however, slowing it down to frame-by-frame glances, we can see that Leia had to turn around, run to the throne, jump up onto it, straighten up before Jabba, and subsequently press her lower body up against his belly before leaning in...and only then does she turn her head away. This suggests that she knew how to respond to Jabba's chain-yanking, making an automatic reaction of coming to him and pressing up close; she was too far away to be simply "pulled to" him. This active response would indicate that she had become accustomed to Jabba's advances, furthering the possibility that perhaps, yes, she DID view him as her superior...or, as the question phrased it, her "Master."

How was Leia escorted to the sail barge if the throne wasn't moved Does this mean her chain was removed and she could've escaped?

Actually the throne was moved. Jabba dais is a repulsion sled and can be pulled quite easily from place to place. So when you see Jabba resting on the sail barge he is actually on the same throne he was on while at the palace and Leia's chain didn't need to be removed.

How long was Leia a captive of Jabba's?

Princess Leia was held captive by Jabba the Hutt for an unspecified amount of time in "Return of the Jedi." The exact duration of her captivity is not explicitly stated in the film or accompanying materials. However, based on the narrative timeline, it can be inferred that Leia's captivity lasted for at least a few days, if not longer, before she was rescued by Luke Skywalker and the Rebel Alliance.

Can you see god with your naked eyes?

No human has ever seen the face of God and no can see him unless He wants someone to see Him.

Has Angelina love ever been naked in front of a camera?

this is the closest your going to get to see her naked right now!there is the link.

Did rota the hutt be successful then jabba?

When the pilot film for The Clone Wars was released, it was the first time we ever get to see Rotta. Since Rotta has never been heard of (or even thought of until then) and Jabba has been pretty much the only one we all knew, we don't know what happens to Rotta as of yet.

Where can you see derek jeter naked?

There is no where on the internet where you can see him naked.

What is the creature in Jabba's belly button?

If you're referring to the monkey lizard thing, then that would be Salacious B. Crumb. Salacious B. Crumb is a Kowakian monkey-lizard who serves Jabba in the equivalent of what a court jester would be to a king. He keeps Jabba happy to keep others alive, and mostly to keep himself from getting eaten. You see, Jabba originally found Salacious in one of his ships. Salacious was eating from one of Jabba's food bowls. So when Jabba attempted to digest Salacious, Salacious let out his signature laugh that you here in ROTJ. Jabba liked the laugh so much, that he decided to keep him.

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Probably not. Maybe you should dance around the room naked and see if he notices.