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When the camera zooms out from Bella and Edward in the tree, and climbing up the tree, the people are actually stunt doubles.

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Q: Did edward and Bella really climb the tree in twilight?
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What are examples of personification in the novel twilight new moon by Stephenie Meyer?

The most obvious example is Bella's crystal frog. As she laments the loss of Edward and struggles to reconcile her existence without him, she begins to cling closely to the crystal frog he won for her at the carnival. As Bella's depression and anxiety increase, Meyer describes the frog in increasingly human terms until it essentially becomes a character itself. Another example would be the tree Bella and Jacob climb as they hide from Gunther. The tree's humanoid characteristics symbolize the growing relationship between Bella and Jacob and as they hover closer and closer to a romantic relationship, the tree grows more gnarled and tangled and takes on human qualities. You may also want to examine the human traits attributed to Bella's diary, Esme's Victrola, and the balloon Carlisle brings Emily from Paris.

What puzzled Bella after Jacob rescued her from drowning?

He says 'Bella what were you thinking!'Jacob: 108 degree's over here.Bella: god!(JACOB CHUCKLES)Bella: my hands are freezing .. (BELLA SNIFFS) it must be nice never getting cold.Jacob: it's a wolf thing.Bella: it's not... it's a Jacob thing. Your just warm... your like your own sun.Jacob: is this better, now that you know about me?Bella: But...Jacob: You saw what happened to Emily. Sam got angry. Lost it for a split second. Em was standing too close. He'll never be able to take that back. What if I got mad at you?(JACOB SIGHS)Jacob continues: Sometimes, I feel like I'm gonna disappear.Bella: Okay, not that you need me, to tell you something like this, but I always will. You're not gonna lose yourself.(BELLA SHRUGS HALF-HEARTEDLY)Bella continues: I wouldn't let that happen.Jacob: How?Bella: I'll tell you all the time, how special you are.(BELLA AND JACOB LEAN INTO KISS)(BELLA INHALES SHARPLY, AS SHE PULLS AWAY)(JACOB MOVES HIS HEAD AWAY TOWARDS THE WINDOW)(BELLA RESTS HER NOSE ON THE SIDE OF HIS NECK)Bella: Thank you. For everything.(SHE DEPARTS FROM HIS NECK AND BEGINS TO CLIMB OUT THE DOOR)Jacob: Wait!(JACOB PULLS HER BACK ONTO THE PASSENGER SEAT)(BELLA GASPS)Jacob: There's a vampire.(JACOB TURNS THE KEY IN THE IGNITION AND MAKES AN ATTEMPT TO REVERSE)Bella: How do you know?Jacob: I can smell it. I'm getting you out of here.(BELLA LOOKS TOWARDS THE HOUSE THEN TURNS HER HEAD OUTSIDE THE BACK WINDOW AND SPOTS CARLISLE'S CAR)Bella: That's Carlisle's car. They're here.(BELLA CLIMBS OUT OF THE TRUCK EXCITEDLY... JACOB JUMPS OVER THE DRIVERS SEAT AND CLIMBS OUT THE PASSENGER'S SIDE AND RUNS AFTER BELLA AS SHE'S WALKING TOWARDS THE HOUSE)Jacob: Bella, it's a trick! Stop! You gotta come with me!(JACOB GRABS BELLA'S ARM TIGHTLY)(BELLA GRUNTS)Bella: They won't hurt meJacob: If a Cullen is back here, this is their territory. Treaty says we can only defend on our own lands. I can't protect you here.Bella: Okay. That's okay. You don't have to.(BELLA TURNS HER HEAD TOWARDS THE HOUSE)Jacob: You're about to cross a line.(BELLA TURNS BACK TOWARDS JACOB)Bella: Then don't draw one. Please?(JACOB RELEASES HIS GRIP AND BELLA AMBLES UP HER PORCH STEPS... JACOB TURNS AWAY PUTTING BOTH HIS HANDS ON HIS NECK, AND SLAMS BELLA'S PASSENGER SIDE DOOR SHUT, ANGRILY)(END OF THAT SCENE)Hope I helped :)-Bella.

What does the twilight vine look like?

its green and yellow, people use it to climb it to another world in the clouds in the sky

What kind of creature is sandy?

She is a really cool can climb nuts....and also store them for the winter. She is a SQUIRREL!!! But seriously, how did you not know that??

How do you climb a ladder in raw total edition?

how to climb stairs in wwe raw total edition

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What scene in twilght does Bella's lullaby play?

Bella's lullaby plays in "Twilight" during the scene where Edward plays it on the piano for Bella. This moment occurs when Bella is in Edward's room and he reveals that he composed the lullaby for her.

In New Moon did Taylor really climb up to Bella's window or was it effects?

I'm sure he was attached to a stunt cord so he wouldn't fall out of the tree.

Who was the first man to climb Matterhorn?

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How do you climb onto things as a dog on Zelda twilight princess?

get near then press a

What does Bella do to bring Alice back to Forks in New Moon?

She doesn't do any thing. Alice has a vision about Bella jumping off a climb and no one pulled her out. Alice went back to save Bella

What are examples of personification in the novel twilight new moon by Stephenie Meyer?

The most obvious example is Bella's crystal frog. As she laments the loss of Edward and struggles to reconcile her existence without him, she begins to cling closely to the crystal frog he won for her at the carnival. As Bella's depression and anxiety increase, Meyer describes the frog in increasingly human terms until it essentially becomes a character itself. Another example would be the tree Bella and Jacob climb as they hide from Gunther. The tree's humanoid characteristics symbolize the growing relationship between Bella and Jacob and as they hover closer and closer to a romantic relationship, the tree grows more gnarled and tangled and takes on human qualities. You may also want to examine the human traits attributed to Bella's diary, Esme's Victrola, and the balloon Carlisle brings Emily from Paris.

Did Robert an Kristen really climb that huge tree in twilight?

No,they climbed a tree but not the whole thing it wasn't a very tall tree they climbed,it was kinda like the upper half of the tree and then they did the editing thing they do to make it look like a taller one :)

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Who climbed mtkilimanjaro?

thousands of people a year climb it... its not a technical climb.. its the easiest of the seven summits and really not that hard..

What tree do you climb in Zelda twilight princess?

the one in front of oshus`s storehouse. (the place where you got the sword)

In twilight at the baseball game did Emmett climb a tree?

Yes, to catch the ball when Carlisle was batting, Rosalie comments "my monkey man" to Esme.