NO! Her sister is called Natalie and she is not dead! She is in the video for Telephone.
Lady gaga is still living!
Lady Constance Gaskell died in 1964.
lady chiyo died of completely restoring gaara's life.
Lady Gaga has denied all the rumors of plastic surgery. She has actually made several statements about being happy with yourself in any form you may take and celebrating your perceived flaws.
NO! Her sister is called Natalie and she is not dead! She is in the video for Telephone.
Her sister Natali did not die. She is very much alive. You are confusing her sister with her Aunt Joanne. Her aunt Joanne died of Lupus.
Brown. Go check her latest video "Telephone" you can see it there before the people die in the diner.
Bad Romance, Alejandro, Monster, Speechless, Dance in the Dark, Teeth, Telephone, So Happy I Could Die. Not in that order though.
Sadly yes... V.V But she had two great danes Lava and Rumpus.Rumpus was Lavas son.But quite sadly Rumpus died in october of 2009.
yes they did die
I don't think he had any.
no fall his kids are alive just at an old age
Hitler never had any children.
Yes, Many.
nobody knows when lady gaga will die neither does lady gaga
no she didn't die