No. The Vampire Diaries book series was published in the late 1900s, and The Twilight Saga book series was first published in 2005. I watched All of the Twilight movies and I'm on the second season of The Vampire Diaries, and I can see the similarities. Bella and Elena find out that Edward and Stefan are vampires in the same way, Also, the Cullen's and Stefan are both "vegetarians", meaning that they only consume animal blood. But, Elena and Stefan's looks were copied from Bella and Edward's looks. Bella and Elena both have brown hair and brown eyes, and they have the same mannerisms, but Elena has a bit more of a backbone than Bella. It's the same with Stefan and Edward, they book have ginger hair and pale skin.
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No. The original series was written in 1991/1992 - fourteen years before Twilight - and continued in 2008/2009.
Second writer- No, vampire diaries was published long before Stephanie Meyer even have a twinkle of what she dreamt. She said she had a dream and she wrote it into a book, so vampire diaries did not copy twilight but maybe twilight copied vampire diaries.
Third writer: Oh heck no! Twilight did not rip off Vampire diaires. It is it's own thing. They have two complete DIFFERENT story lines.
Fourth Writter : hah, it did not . since it was publishedin 1991 you can see it didnt copy it .Twilight might have copied the Vampire diaries, look at the simallties in the books . Vampire Diaries ftw<3
Fifth Writer: Vampire Diaries is a fantastic book and show, but it did not copy twilight. Twilight copied vampire diaries. If you notice when Stefan explains to Elena what he is and what happened to Katherine, they just so happened to be in the woods and it looks exactly the same as when Edward was explaining to Bella what he is in the woods near the meadow. Stephanie Meyer totally ripped them off. I think that Vampire Diaries should be suing Stephanie Meyer. And also if you notice, they are in high school and they are 17. Stefan is also practically the same age as Edward. Edward also visits Bella when she is asleep and so does Damon when Elena is asleep. Something is fishy with this familiarity. What do you think?
Sixth Writer: They are also both fast and Stefan hunts animals just like the Cullen family. The only difference is that the Cullens don't sleep and the Salvatores do. And it is all based in the woods. There are also clans of vampires that want to kill other vampires in both stories and they both have powers. I also think that it is even more cooler that they have to wear a ring in Vampire Diaries unlike Twilight were they sparkle in the sun. So lame and stupid. So I agree with writer 5, Vampire Diaries should sue.
P.S. Edward looks very much like Stefan. And Bella looks like Elena, well the idea of them look alike. Bella and Elena are both clumsy, brown hair, and brown eyes. And Elena gets really suspicious with Stefan so she finds out by snooping and her brother searches online just like Bella.
The Vampire diaries were published in 1991, Twilight in 2005.
Both books are about vampires but entirely different in their story line.
Also Stephenie's vampires and P.J.'s vampires are very, very different.
Stephenie's vampires can only be killed by another vampire (it would be physically impossible for a human to kill her vamps), whereas P.J.'s are quite traditional with a few of her own twists.
twilight came out first but, Vampire Diaries already had a book. So basicly it would have to be Twilight but Vampire Diaries was being made at this time.So i would say Twilight but Twilight compied Vampire Diaries.
Um, Bella swan is in twilight, not the vampire diaries. Bella is played by Kristen Stewart. Do you mean the main girl in the vampire diaries, Elena Gilbert. Elena Gilbert is played by Nina Dobrev.
The main character in the Vampire Diaries is Elena Gilbert. The character is played by the actress, Nina Dobrev.