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No he did not

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Q: Did Taylor Lautner play one part in High School Musical 3?
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Is Taylor Lautner in school?

no. he graduated high school early

What school did Taylor Lautner go to?

Valencia High School.

Who is dating Taylor Lautner because he said he's dating his crush from high school?

Taylor Lautner is dating Taylor Swift

Is Taylor Lautner home schoold?

no he finished high school early

Who is longest relashentionp Taylor Lautner has had?

The longest relationship that Taylor Lautner has ever had was in high school. He dated a girl named Sarah for all four years.

How do you be like Taylor in High School Musical?

Google it

What is Taylor mackessie name in high school musical?

Taylor Mackessie is her character name in High School Musical. Her real name, in real life, is Monique Colman.

Who played Taylor in high school musical?

Monique Coleman played Taylor.

Does Taylor Lautner do to university?

Yes, he doesnt go to high school but he dcoes university

Are Taylor Lautner and Heather Rattray related?

No, it's his girlfriend and best friend from high school.

What is Taylors full name in High school musical?

Taylor McKessie.

What is Monique's Name in the movie High School Musical?

Taylor Makessie