Mona tried to push Spencer off the cliff but Spencer ended up pushing mona off, and Mona died.
Mona fell off a cliff because the story said so
no Mona is not dead Spencer found out that a was Mona so Mona tried to push her of a cliff but mona ends up falling and they think she dies but later we found out that she was put in a special hospital for crazy people hope that helped on the pll mystery
Janel Parrish plays the part. The character of Mona Vanderwaal is Hanna's friend. Remember in the first episode, Hanna and a girl with black hair who used to be a nerd did a complete make-over? She and Hanna went "shopping" / stealing together. She has brownish hair.Mona is the best friend of Hanna on Pretty Little Liars. Or, if you are asking who plays her, it is Janel Parrish. She is also a "A" in the first 4 books. She also wants revenge on Spencer Aria Hanna and Emily because they treated her really bad when they were younger.****SPOILER ALERT****Mona is killed while trying to push Spencer off a cliff because Spencer knows she's AHanna's best friend. . .and the first A but then she gets killed.Mona was the first A. She is part of the A team.She is Emily Fields' girlfriend....Yes, they are lesbians.In the books Mona is A. Hopes this helps!The dorky girl they picked onMona in pretty little liars is played by Janel Parrish, she's also A!Mona is claimed to be a close friend of Hannas.
She was pushed of the cliff on accident when she was struggling in an attempt to kill the t.v. show mona does not die she is taken to a menatl hospital but in the book she tried to push Spencer off a cliff but mona fell and broke her neck and diedIn the book series, Mona Vanderwaal died because she fell off of Falling Man's Ciff, or Bluff, or something, I can't remember the exact name. But she and Spencer were driving in the car. Spencer realized that Mona was 'A' and then Mona tried to convince Spencer to become 'A' with her. They got out of the car and started fighting. Mona tries to push Spencer off the cliff, but she trips and she falls instead, landing with her head in between two rocks and instantly dying.
In Sara Shepards fourth book from her Pretty Little Liars series, Unbelievable, Mona is "A". Hanna Marin is the first to discover this shocking truth in the third book, Perfect, when she receives a text message from "A". However, instead of the usual blocked cell number that "A" sends text messages from, Hanna sees a number that she well recognizes. This number belongs to her best friend, Mona Vanderwaal. However, Mona hits her with a car and damages Hanna's memory before she has the chance to tell Aria, Spencer, and Emily about Mona. It isn't until the fourth book when Hanna finally remembers that Mona was the one who sent her that text message, and that Mona is "A". Hanna quickly alerts Aria, Emily, and Spencer. Once Mona realizes that her "A" identity is revealed, she attempts to kill Spencer. However, Spencer pushes Mona off of a cliff out of self-defense, and Mona dies instead. I recommend you read this book, and the entire Pretty Little Liar series! It is truly amazing and utterly nerve-racking. Hope this answers your question!
mona dies beause she asked Spencer to become a. with her and Spencer said no and then they are on a cliff and Spencer and her a struggling of the cliff and Spencer pushes mona off the cliff
Her and Spencer get in a fight and she falls off a cliff
She falls off of a cliff while fighting with Spencer.
Yes. She falls off a cliff, trying to kill Spencer.
Spencer didn't push mona off the cliff mona was fighting with spencer so that she could push spencer off the cliff but when they were fighting Mona triped and fell.
Actually, Mona tries to kill Spencer, by pushing her off a cliff, but Spencer moves out of the way, and Mona falls and dies.
die? she fell off a cliff while she was chasing spencer. Mona tried to kill Spencer but slipped and fell
Mona tries to push Spencer off the cliff, but it does not work! Spencer ends up pushing Mona off and Mona dies.
Mona tries to push Spencer off the cliff, but Spencer moves before Mona can push her. Mona ends up falling off the cliff and killing herself.
First it was Mona but after Spencer pushes her off a cliff , the next A is actually ALISON without anyone finding out .
in the books, mona tries to kill Spencer by pushing her off a cliff, Spencer moves out of the way and mona falls instead.
Mona tried to push Spencer off a cliff but Spencer ends up pushing mona of a cliff and mona breaks her neck and dies. Mona dies in book four, when they are driving and Spencer finds out she is A.